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cupid04 | 19:45 Wed 05th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
You going to watch at 9pm, Dallas or Mrs. Biggs, or something completely different?


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I'm recording both but I think Dallas will win it for me :)
I'm being made to watch Dallas... I've been assured i'll enjoy it but I'm not feeling it at all =/

I'll watch Mrs Biggs on catch up.
I'll still be watching harry p unless nungate wants to get her skates on and I'll help her make the bed
Annie Lennox on "Who do you think you are?" I lost interest in Dallas after a couple of episodes when it was first on tv - and I just could not get into Dysentry - not keen of those sorts shows I'm afraid
I won't be watching either of those. I'm currently watching the Speedway on Sky Sports 3. After that, I may watch the final 3 episodes of Falling Skies.
Neither, we are going to watch "Who do you think you are", its Annie Lennox tonight!
I`m recording Who do you think you are but I only have a single tuner DVD recorder and am now torn between that and Dallas.
there's speedway on tonight???? are you a fan nutmeg?
You're online 237SJ - you could watch Dallas and then pick up Annie Lennox on BBC I player
Been a fan (On and off) for 37 years and I'm only 40! King Lynn Stars v Birmingham Brummies. Great meeting so far. Just a few miles down the road from the Redcar Bears.
I'm going up in a little while to read my book. Saw bits of Dallas the first time round and wasn't much fussed
Me too....just not as long...been about 13 years for me....Berwick is the team for me, I tend to not watch many league meetings on the telly but love the GP's
But Mazie, Jesse Metcalf wasn't in it first time round! ;) x
Thanks nungate. Can`t really think of a way to work it. I can`t watch anything because I`m expecting a phone call. I really like Annie Lennox and would like to see that programme. I`d also like to see Dallas but I`m going home tomorrow (to Devon) and there is no Channel 5 (or much else really) signal in the village so I won`t even be able to watch Dallas next week either. The continuity will be lost by then. I`ll have to stick with plan A I think
annie lennox, sounds good tonight x
237SJ - Just had a thought - you could watch Dallas on Five+1 (channel 177 on Sky don't know about the other digital services.
You can watch all of these things online all you need to to is type what you're looking for into the search and see what appears. It is easy, if I can do it anyone can, it is a well known fact that I am road kill in the informations super highway!
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Dallas is on again Friday but guess what it clashes with 22 men kicking a bit of leather around and huggging and spitting.
please tell me Dallas is repeated - I completely forgot about it

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