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Big Brother Big Bully

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twiglet4frog | 22:33 Thu 09th Jun 2005 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers

I am appalled at how leslie is treating Sam at the moment in Big Brother.

I know that Sam is a bit of a wet blanket that doesnt do much but i havent the stomach to see Leslie bully her like something ina school playground! In a time when we are doing our hardest to stamp it out of playgrounds why is big brother allowing it to become entertainment. I know that there are arguements all the time but they always consist of two housemates giving it to each other at all times, however the Sam/Leslie is one sided, it is harrasment, threatning behaviour, insults and intimidation and there is very few times Sam retaliates but rather heads to the diary room in tears wishing it would stop.

Should Big Brother step in and warn Leslie about her conduct? Or allow this to go on and show all the thousands of Leslie Wannabes watching to go around mimicking her?



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ok, i should wait until the end of the program really hey lol!!! guess i answered that myself!

So were big brother right to do it then? to warn her and should it have been a first and final warning!!

Hi Twiglet4frog :o)

I think Big Bro should have stepped in sooner, yes it is good entertainment from our point of view but I feel the same as you and it was making me very angry that Leslie was intimidating Sam and bullying her like that.
All Leslie has successfully shown is that she is a nasty bully, despite her terrible attempts to patch things up towards the end of last night's show. I don't think I actually heard her apoligise to Sam but did tell Sam  what her problem was, pity Sam didn't do the same!
What sort of message is Leslie putting out there? That it's ok to harress and hurt people just 'cos you have taken a disliking to them?

I'm not a Sam fan but can't bear to see anyone intimidated and bullied in this way.


I agree feel quite sorry for sam I know shes not a great housemate to watch and shes not really a team player but I'm wondering if lesley got the boot tonight would she change shes understandably quite depressed with all the grief she is getting from lesley I also thought the stealing the makeup bag was so pathetic real playschool stuff.hope lesley goes shes cant wait to see davina grill her about her behaviour.
Get a grip folks. BB bosses know Sam is eye candy and they want her to stay - hence the rules on nominations have been changed the lasst two weeks or she would have gone in the first week and for definite this week if it was a straight fight between her and derek.

Last week's footage was heavily edited to show Craig in a good light and Mary as the mad witch picking fights with everyone and sulking in bed. Then thsi week they are showing all the footage of Lesley being a bitch but none of Sam's behaviour that is making Lesley retaliate.

When will viewers realise we are all manipulated by Big Brother. They always get the winner they want.
I agree with you Waiglet, I totally agree that BB bosses are editing the programme to make us vote out the people who they think should go.  Although, I do agree with everyone else that Leslie's attitude to Sam is disgraceful...especially what she said to her last night.  I did like Derek but after seeing him bitch about Sam and what he said to her in the kitchen was way over the top.  Sam only defends herself with the word "shut up" all the time.... she should learn some other words.  I'm finding that I'm being irritated by most people in this years BB house.
ok guys all that aside who do you think will go tonight lesley is 1/7 with the bookies but will it definatley be her?

I hope so because I cant stand to watch her anymore. I used to be bullyed quite badley at school and hate seeing anybody else being treated the same way. Sam cant even get out of the house to avoid her. I think it should be stopped. Leslie will not listen to the warning. At least some of the boys are now sticking up for Sam. Leslie needs to grow up and get a life, she is so obviously threatened by Sam and she is making herself look stupid by showing everyone how jeleous she is of her.

I agree with you Louise082, like you I have experienced bullying and it drives me up the wall whenever I am stupid enough to watch this program and I see whats going on.  The slithery producers/execs etc or whatever the hell they are at bigbrother, seem to actively encourage and create conflict to try and keep the ratings up.  I imagine them all to be deeply unpleasant people.

I'm hoping it will be Leslie.....I'll probably have a sneeky vote....ssshhh, don't tell anyone.  I also don't like Karmal (how do you spell it).. I think he is way over the top,  I find most people like him though?
Kemal is the correct spelling....!!!
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anybody see when davina asked her if she is jealous of sam, leslies smirked and she glanced her eyes away as she said "No". Classic sign of body language to show someone is lying!

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