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Bbc1 Bill Gates

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tamborine | 23:47 Tue 29th Jan 2013 | TV
13 Answers
on world health


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Tambo - Our very own TV Times :-)
Sky 2 Spartacus
Not to do with world health.
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Is that Bill Gates, he looks so old
Maybe he has money worries?
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Just thought you'd be interested - lol
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dont be so cheeky Square, you're probaby using his software
He's speaking without that perspex speech machine that many leaders use....he's not even looking at his notes.
True but I don't really have a choice now do I?

I was actually quite pleased when he started spending his money on good causes. I heard this morning that it is thanks to him and his team that polio is nearly wiped out now. Good luck to the bloke.
Shame our billionaires don't do as much.....
He's an inspirational man. Fair play to him.
I caught the last 20 mins, he sounded very sincere and he spoke with knowledge and passion.

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Bbc1 Bill Gates

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