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Marriage In E.e.

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Jemisa | 01:06 Sat 09th Feb 2013 | TV
22 Answers
I've watched E.E. from the beginning & after many marriages during the years I can't think of ONE that made it. Every marriage and every relationship has broken up through mainly one partner or the other getting involved in an affair.

Does anyone know of a marriage in E.E. that was happy ever after?



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The story line with the Masood family must have been the most boring, cringeworthy and stupid episodes ever in EE.

The ridiculous water feature in a postage stamp size garden was the depths of despair from the story writers. However much they pay them it's far too much. They would be more suited to writing for CBBC.
Good point Dodger - although I fear it wouldn't wash with CBBC viewers either .... far too smart!

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