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Beautiful People (2)

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joggerjayne | 20:27 Wed 08th May 2013 | ChatterBank
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Is it true that people from wealthy families tend to be, on the whole, better looking? More ... "aristocratic"?


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Nooo I don't reckon so Jayne because it's only lately that aristocratic men have even considered actually marrying attractive women. Before that they had them as mistresses and married women who had similar wealth and status to them, often relations. There are a few members of various European royal families who were so interbred that they were afflicted...
21:16 Wed 08th May 2013
I think wealth can do wonders to improve someones looks.
Nope, Prince Charles!
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I think the argument is ...

Wealthy men have, historically, found it easier to attract beautiful wives.

So they have good looking children.

They pass their money to the good looking children who, in turn, are able to attract even more good looking spouses.

And so on.

So, down the generations, as long as the family remains wealthy, each genaration becomes better and better looking.
Er..... no.
No. Where did you hear this from?
Have you looked at the Royal family?
Unlikely. My family weren't particularly wealthy.
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society ... as above!

I presume that two propositions are not in dispute ...

(1) the men with lots and lots of money find it easier to have their pick of attractive women

(2) good looking parents are more likely to have good looking children.

I don't see how the idea that rish families become physically better looking can seriously be disputed.
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giveup ...

Conversely, I do watch Jeremy Kyle, lol

Not many of his "guests" look like Prince Harry.
At best they may have a better chance of more attractive daughters, according to your theory. But the sons have to be content with the money and looking like their dad. I think it is on dodgy ground at best. I think money marries money more often than not Money may take beauty as a mistress.
But then again Prince Harry looks nothing like Prince Charles.
Strange that. Must be a throw back to a past generation you reckon ?
"Is it true that people from wealthy families tend to be, on the whole, better looking? More ... "aristocratic"?"

That might be true Jane, if they're born ugly they can afford to have their features adjusted.
I remember Mrs Merton (Caroline Aherne) saying, "So, Debbi Magee. What first attracted you to millionaire Paul Daniels?"
No offspring as far as I know, but you can see how it works.
Bernie Eckilstone is another example.
Ugly rich people could afford to have plastic surgery to make them look however they want to, and they could afford to buy tons of make-up to colour their faces.
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Aah, but having plastic surgery to make them more attractive (sometimes, lol!) would not affect how their children looked.
Jayne,LOL, I meant the "child" could be fixed.
Bit drastic I know but didn't Charles and Di have William's ears pinned back when he was a baby?
I must say that Camilla the Gorilla looks better now she'd married the heir to the Throne. Obviously able to spend more dosh on clothes and her saggy face and grey teeth.

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