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Backwards Writing

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Stargazer | 15:50 Sat 25th May 2013 | TV
2 Answers
What's all that about? Leonardo da Vinci wrote backwards apparently but other people do so as well. It seems that left handedness and possibly dyslexia may account for some of it.


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I watched that programme about the dreadful Da Vinci code too, the connections between left-handedness, dyslexia and creativity were interesting. I've often wondered what they make of me, when I was 16 (?) I was peeling an apple and my mother asked why I was using the knife in my left hand. That was the first time that I, or anyone else, realised that I used different hands for different tasks. It's not ambidextrous as I can't change hands, bit I'm sure there's a name for it. Contrary is what OH calls it.
I'd give my right arm to be ambidexterous:-)

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