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The Fall

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puzzled54 | 21:14 Mon 10th Jun 2013 | TV
19 Answers
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It said at the end 'To be continued' When will that be, anyone know?
5 more episodes around January 2014
I liked it.
although at times Gillian Anderson appeared weirder than the serial killer.

2nd series already commissioned apparently, but don't know when.
I kept watching the clock, with five minutes to go, I thought that they would never find the killer and they did not. A bit disappointed with the end to be honest. Thanks for the info ubasses
Oops, sorry I revealed the end, I forgot that some people would not have seen it
It finished without concluding....a disappointing finale.
Can't believe I spent five hours watching. Also, I could not hear all that was being said. Did anyone else find this?
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Yes Eccles. Seems like the tv companies think that when they find something popular, they have to drag it out so that we keep watching.
Apparently --'It's good to end on a cliffhanger'.Or so the producers say but I was both disappointed and angry at the ending especially as we were told tonight's episode was the last. By the time the next series comes out I will have lost interest.
They will probably repeat this series before they put on the next one
Cliffhanger. do you think he will go to Scotland and continue his killing spree or will Annie Crawley identify him and he will be brought to justice. Should have had an ending tonight as mentioned previously when the next series begins we will have lost interest.
Having lived through the disappointment of The Sopranos final scene, this was just a minor annoyance.
I found the end really disappointing right from his botched kill as he was always extremely meticulous.

Then he confessed to his wife and she decides to instantly up-sticks and leave with him. What about the kids schooling, her job, their mortgage, his job, her parents etc etc ? Unrealstic for me and spoiled it all. Started off so well and went down hill with each episode.
I got the impression that they wee only going to bonnie Scotland for a holiday Matt. I might have missed something in the mumbles though.
I was cursing the BBC .
They could have wrapped it up so easily .Really disappointing .
I also agree with Douglas ..I was really annoyed at the end of The Sopranos :)
My recording cut out before the credits as did my attempt to watch it on catch up. I persevered and managed to see the last minute on i-player. Now i've got to wait for the return!
I think they were leaving as he told Stella that he was going.

End of The Sopranos was deliberately done as they knew this was the end of the run so did all manner of silly things throughout the series e.g. I remember one of the bosses ran over his own head!
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I too thought that they just packed up and left - strange.

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