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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:24 Sun 20th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
Sunday. A bit dryer this morning...well, a lot dryer this morning! Lots of belligerent cloud lurking about. I don't trust 'em!

I had to call off the charter yesterday, it was just to dangerous to go. The party were, much to my relief, happy with that and will phone the office to morrow and reschedule. The weather stayed scronkey until about the time we would be arriving back. Then the sun came out! Typical!

When the Boaty came in.

The sun was strong enough when it came out to dry most of the ground well enough to make this morning's walk as pleasent as usual. The badgers were returning home as I watched, they stopped, looked, identified me and carried on. I feel quite honoured to be accepted by all the wildlife I have got to know. The pair of foxes were rooting around in the undergrowth looking for something they'd seen.
The rookery was still peaceful, but the sentries were already out, giving me a beady eye as if to say, 'Morning squire.'
The Roe deer were down from the hill again. They didn't run off, but kept a wary eye on me as I walked past, about 40 yards from them. They're getting used to me!

Foxy was in for his supper, he's looking a lot better, his tail looking more like it should.

Tiggy had his mrs. with him again. He parked her under the table by the water dish and she had a drink while he went to bring some food for her. He's a good lad. They stayed for about half an hour until both were well fed, then off they went.

The sky seems to be clearing a bit now. Goodo!

have a happy day everyone.


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What a fantastic description Boaty.
You seem content with life.

It's weird, I drive for a living and have hardly put the wipers on at all the last couple of days.
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Morning hoppy. I'm glad you like it. Yes' I'm content as I can be. :o}

I live in a lovely part of Gloucestershire, right on the edge of a village, so seeing wildlife is no problem. It has to be early in the morning mind!

Yesterday there was thunder and lightning most of the day. A couple of ground strikes within a couple of hundred yards from here. I'm 280 feet up here, so a bit closer to it!
Morning boaty xx hoppy...long time no see storms here at all ...bit of rain but not that much....damp and overcast here but the birds are singing !
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Morning minty. xxx They are in fine voice here too. :o}

All well? :o}
All good far...up at mums yesterday, all fine there too, dad much improved ..
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That's good news minty. Long may it continue. :o}
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They're all skiving minty. Lazy lot!
What are you up to today then boaty ?...I'm having quiet catch up reading papers day...still not opened Friday's or yesterday's....
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I'm having a quiet day too. I've a wee bit of ironing, but that will take me about ten minutes. I'm doing lamb korma with turmeric rice for lunch. Then find some rubbish to snooze through, when I've read the paper that is. :o}
Last day of the open today...Will have that on as I read !
bout youse ?

nice nature round up again there wbm--
all the rain that was threatened here y'day- didn't appear
morning all. Wildlife quite quiet last last . I heard the foxes running around yelling at one another and the local cats were having, yet another, fight., but apart from that, all quiet.
Minty, good news about your lovely dad. Long may it continue. xx
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I know you like golf minty. I don't play, but my branch of RAFA have a golf day the first Wednesday of September every year. I'm the Starter. I enjoy that chatting to everyone as they ask who's first. :o}
Morning bee xx same thunder or lightning !
Morning Jan xx how's Brighton today ?
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Morning beej. I'm glad you enjoy it. :o} I know about the rain mate; we had it all here!

Morning jan xxx Off out gallivanting today? :o}
hi minty x

McIlroy should win it-- not particularly fussed on him -- a bit of a prat/***
* a$$hole
Morning WBM XXX AND ALL same here yesterday storms off and on most of the day Overcast this morning but cooler just how I like it .Have been following the tour de france hundreds of goats high up in the alps and the scenery was beautiful. Amazing how people live away up there . Not for me .

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