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pips1 | 23:03 Sun 07th Jun 2015 | TV
4 Answers
I am enjoying ITVs HomeFires on Sunday evenings but am I the only one who gets some of the girls mixed up? Not the older ladies but because of the hairstyles and fashion back then a lot of the younger women look the same to me.


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No - you're not the only one - the younger ones do look alike (apart from the blonde girl from the Telephone Exchange).

I tend to get the RAF men muddled up - the one staying at the vicarage and the other who's attracted to his secretary.

Good programme though - hopefully there will be a second series.
I agree.....they can be difficult to tell which is which


x x
I can't believe that Colin's wife stated she thought the Lithium Salts were for his indigestion and not his mood swings.Surely she must be feigning ignorance in fear of arrest for administration of the sedative.
Evening retro! Oh defo.....although I have to admit I fell asleep through most of it ;)

x x

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