what a load of toss, even my mother was laughing, and yes, when he eventually tried, his heart was there - but those bridal dresses, surely not. Even I would have looked bad in them.....
Ha ha! Dt .. I was shaking my head. It was almost as if he was deliberately out to sabotage the day. It wasn't as if he didn't already know his partners taste. I actually nearly cried for her disappointment. Such an important day, I wonder if they stay together after that?
None of the blokes on these shows ever have a clue what the poor bride wants that's why it makes such an interesting programme ! Whatever happens, the bride always forgives them and then says something like 'he done amazing' !!
///None of the blokes on these shows ever have a clue what the poor bride wants ///
really? i think they're encouraged to pick the opposite location to their partner's perceived choice for dramatic effect ...
I would expect my husband to be to do it as cheaply as humanly possible....say £1000 at the most ... and spend the rest of the money on a round the world trip for the 2 of us! That is how cheap our wedding was 5 years ago and I still think it was too much!
I think the budget is huge but they seem to spend a lot on unnecessary junk, although they blue dresses last night well............. what can I say apart from eh £20 quid
This may be controversial but why does the wedding have to be only what she wants? Surely, he's allowed to have something of his preference? Of course the dresses are her choice alone but the reception should be for both of them.
Chaptaz .. it's true,they're forgiven in the end.
ael .. It seems that way, though I find it hard to believe on such an important day .. these couples would agree to something g entirely different. Those tears of the bride were very real.
Mally ... I wouldn't go over the top either.
cazzz .. the dresses!! His first choices were dismal, no thought whatsoever.
Zebo, of course he should have his stamp on it, perhaps a little less though in the episode shown.