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Gps Behind Closed Doors

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TheWinner | 20:24 Wed 13th Apr 2016 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
My diagnosis: Every door squeaks,

My prescription: Get a can of 3-in-1, one drop on each hinge, when needed.

(unless Sqad differs of course).


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I've never seen a G.P.S. with hinges on it.
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hi stuey, I can't stand it, it drives me mad, why don't they all hear it too?

It's the same at a very famous hospital in Manchester, sat in the waiting room, being driven mad by the noise, yet the staff don't seem to hear it.
And why does everyone try to go out of the door in the wrong direction? If that's their usual GP how come they don't know the way out?
I don't watch it often but I've never noticed that, Sillie.
I've noticed it but it doesn't bother me, it seems to be a common thing in those kind of buildings. It's the door closers at the top of the door that do it I think.
I almost walked into the cupboard when I was leaving my GP's room once. There's only one door on the outside but three inside, all exactly the same....and I was nervous :)

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Gps Behind Closed Doors

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