>>>This is exaclty why HS2 should be scrapped.
Yes lets cancel ALL rail projects and ALL building projects because they all overrun and go over budget.
Then as a country we can stagnate.
There was a program on C5 a few weeks ago about 3 major canals in the UK (Building Britain's Canals see link below).
And in EVERY case they cost MUCH more to build than first thought and overran, often by years, sometimes 10 years or more.
If we cancelled all projects because some overran or went over budget we would have no canals, no major rail lines, no motorways, no modern office blocks, no warships etc.
HS2 is vital to this country as we have a congested existing rail system and clogged up motorways. Other countries like Spain and France have thousands of miles of high speed rail lines and we have very little.
Link to Canal programs below. Well worth watching as they are really interesting.