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jennyjoan | 16:52 Sat 04th Jan 2020 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
I sent a letter to my nurse asking her to do some thing for me I handed it manually to the receptionist that day.

Today I received a letter from the said nurse who said - with reference to your letter dated 10 December 2019 and my receipt of 30 December.

Now I can't believe it took 20 days to get to her so obviously has been lying around.

Just wondered what do you think of that.


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Not much
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ok - would you do or say anything about it
Slow to respond however I hope the content answered your query.
Here in Yorkshire, we would say that someone is slack set up.
Maybe she’s been on holiday. Or she just doesn’t like you.
I expect the nurse had some time off for Christmas plus there are weekends to take into consideration and she/he had other work to do and may have had more pressing matters to attend to. It’s still less than three weeks.
You dated your letter 10th December, but what date did you actually deliver it to the reception?

Question Author
that day - you can walk to my doctor's it is so near
Did you ask her to respond within any particular time frame and did it involve her having to refer your request to a third party?

Sometimes these things can take a while to arrange.
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no I didn't ask her to respond within a certain time. Anyway thanks all for your responses.
The nurse says 'my receipt of 30 December' therefore the person you gave it to is at fault as the nurse did not receive the letter until 20 days after you left it at reception -disgraceful, I would say something to the practice manager the next time you are in. Not the nurses fault in my opinion.
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that's right APG - definitely not the nurse's fault - just the apathy of that receptionist that day. As my mother would say she was "hangin together".
Hopefully it was only a one off JJ. Given the time of year, it's .understandable. Hopefully of was nothing too important.
Maybe the receptionist was away, or off sick.
If you live so close, go in and ask why it took so long for your doctor to receive the letter. I'd certainly want to know.
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yes that's right Mozz - I was giving it time due to hols but I wondered if it have been like a serious and urgent request how that would have went. Anyhow a new year has just begun.

Surely you wouldn’t put a serious or urgent request in a letter form.

I suspect hand written requests are pretty rare these days and the envelope got put to one side and forgotten.

If the surgery is so close, why didn’t you pop round to ask why you hadn’t had a response?
Or ring up. It’s up to you to follow non urgent things up.
Although not comparing to a doctors surgery my son works for a government department. They only open mail once a week.

Most things nowadays are done via email.
Pathetic ---- and to be expected with our useless services these days.
Is the nurse in on a daily full-time basis?
Maybe she attends to patients before checking her mail?

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