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Why In "Pairs"

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SparklyKid | 09:24 Tue 05th May 2020 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Trousers and knickers ?

I can understand socks.

I must get out more.


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A pair of legs on trousers.
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Another daft thought. If you sit "near" a "pear" tree , why are they spelt the same.
And spelt is also dinckle wheat. Funny world innit!
dunno, is that funny peculiar or funny haha?
are yous bored???? haha
Knickers and trousers used to be in two parts with an open crotch.
what, you mean like with a drill, Bobbi?
nooo,silly I mean like an ironing bored ;0)
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Hi Bobbs, yes, a bit bored. Might go and sit outside.
we've had a couple of hefty showers here this morning
Someone should tell the Government that gloves come in pairs :-)
no wonder the left hand doesn't know what the right hand's doing
Boxes of disposable gloves are not sold in pairs, they are sold as the total number of gloves in the box because they are not left/right handed.
You can make a spectacle of yourself, but must wear a pair of spectacles (others it's a monocle)
Why in pairs? I blame Noah.
for some reason that eludes me 'a pair of pheasants' just doesn't sound right, hence brace

Medical gloves are sold as singles. I have a box of 100 gloves. They are not pairs they fit either hand. They came from a NHS supplier.
I lent my friend a fiver while I leant against a palm tree. Suddenly he emitted a cough and a coconut fell from a bough. It hit him on the head and he is now in hospital, comfortable but rough. He ought not to cough near a palm tree.
you still have to wear two at a time, Apc. Unless you're working single-handed, of course.

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Why In "Pairs"

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