....tis true folks. After much persuading and cajoling, I had the Covid Vaccination yesterday. So far my hair hasn't turned green and i haven't sprouted horns and fangs, although some on here will say that would be an improvement. In another thread, someone asks if anyone has seen a doctor face to face in the last 12 months. I did, yesterday. It was my doctor who gave me the injection at the local walk in centre.
"Oh hello Mr Clarion. Not seen you for a few years" It was almost like that fantasy programme "Doctors", where a doctor will say "I haven't seen Mr So and So for a long time. Must pop round and see if he's ok" Yeah right!
Anyway folks, having had the vaccination "I AM INVINCIBLE!", yer know, like Boris in Goldeneye (Alan Cumming). Onward, ever onward!
No Emmie. I just had the jab and left. I'm not bothered about a second one, anyway. I wasn't bothered about having one at all but Mrs Clarion knows many, many things folks, so I had it done to pacify her.
I know when mine is. If you go through the NHS stream (mega vaccination hubs, book online) you book both at once. If you go the GP centre route, whether its at surgeries or not then it seems that you book one at a time. Our local surgeries have all banded together to offer jabs through two centres set up in local community centres. I live in an area with lots of supported living housing and the GP's have asked the healthy old farts like myself to go through the NHS stream so they can focus on the frail ones.