Just put this on Channel 5.Haven’t watched it for a while but it’s still got the same awful people.Kevin (please sir) Ashman the irritating Lisa Thiel in her now ridiculous glasses and worst of all the slime ball that is Jeremy Vine.
No just thought I’d see if it was any better.Answer a definite NO.Only watched because the Chase+1 had Jenny Ryan with her silly alliterative greetings.
I stopped watching this programme ages ago because the "professional" Eggheads are so smug and have an air about them that they think they're better than everyone else!
I also used to hate they way that, when debating, they arrogantly went through the reasons why the answer couldn't be "this" or couldn't be "that" instead of just giving the bloomin' answer!
I haven't watched any of the new ones with Jeremy Vine as I think he's a complete !"£$%^&*