Enigmatic Variations N0. 1655 By Skylark in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Enigmatic Variations N0. 1655 By Skylark

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Matakari | 10:38 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
30 Answers

Good day, I’m attempting this one to see how much I can learn from Skylark’s technique. Thanks in advance for help for the following:

(PREAMBLE: In each clue, there is an extra letter which must be removed before solving. In order, these give two instructions: the second refers to an ASSERTION by the subject. CHAMBERS DICTIONARY ( 2016 ) is recommended.

2d Escorted, I start east to get worm-killing substance ( 10 ) : T??N?????E

3d Spoilt example covers shrub ( 4 ):  I???

4d Among stupid race, upset ( 4 ) A???

5d Abandoned in copse on vacation, cracks ( 6 ) C??C??

6d Sheltering in Scotland Government gasp, finally murmuring softly outside ( 8 ) S??K????

18d Displaying hat in tartan pattern with relish ( 10, 2 words ) : S?????????




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3d T superfluous hidden in the clue - ILEX

Morning, Matakari - you've been 'learning' for a while!

4 D. A common three-letter word for 'stupid', reversed(upset) after the usual single letter abbreviation for 'race' after it loses a letter. The definition is 'among'.

2 D. Your N is wrong

3 D In the clue...

4d Amid = dim (stupid) +a(ce) therefore R of race is the extra letter

5 Your second C is wrong.  

5d E is surplus,leaving cops

Left (abandoned) in C(op)s (on vacation)

= Clefts (cracks)

6d Scooging an alternative spelling of scogging

P in gasp is surplus leaving gas finally = S

S cooing (murmuring softly) around G(overnment) = scooging Scottish for sheltering

I have answers for2d and 18d but am struggling to parse so will leave that to someone else. Like you, I have only just started this crossword!

2d - just worked it out

Taeniacide (worm killing substance) = ta'en (taken/escorted) + I = acid (tart), therefore surplus letter = S, + E(ast)

18d I have SE?TI?GOUT, so it has to be setting out, but I can't parse it yet!

JJ, I think it is Sett,tartan pattern, In, from (h)at, and Gout, relish.

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Many thanks, jj109 and NACW, I got 4d but as not sure about it. I'm studying the parsing and will continue a bit later.

Thanks, Matakari. It's worth persevering - Skylark's puzzles are usually very rewarding. Don't panic about needing 40+  extra letters - as you go along, jotting them down, you should see some familiar words starting to emerge...

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Got a few more but am still far away. Help with the following should get me closer, thanks!

40a Vestibule in front of temple tenor’s left promptly, being replaced by alto soon ( 7 ) : ???VAO?

43a External entertainment troubled them, set retreat ( 13, 2 words ) : ST??E?T??AT?N

7d   Plods beginning to subdue commotions ( 6 ) : SHE?L?
27d Bundle of banknotes: send cowboy ( 6 )  : ?ADT??
28d Was informed whin’s  in Lithuania ( 6 ):  ?EA???    ( LEARNT )

Matakari, glad you're soldiering on. I'm afraid you have more mistakes...

40 The V is wrong

43 The N is wrong

27 The T is wrong

28 Yes, Learnt - Earn, win, inside the abbreviation for Lithuania. (So you now have another extra letter)

Sorry, I missed one...

7 D. Your letters are correct. The answer is defined by the first word, when it loses a letter (and a fairly easy one to spot). Your first S is 'beginning to subdue', then there's a five letter plural of 'commotions', big fuss etc.

A hint for 43... It's just an anagram (troubled). The first two words form the definition,  drop an obvious letter from the first of the last three words.

40a Pronaos (temple vestibule) = pronto (promptly) - t(enor) + a(lto) +s(on)

one of the Os in "soon"is the extra letter

27d waddie (cowboy) = wad (bundle of banknotes) + die (end)

ie the S in send is the extra letter

NAC has given you good clues for the other two!

Question Author

Thanks, jj109 and NACW, I will not abandon this one yet. 
Help with this last batch would be welcome. 

17a   Fruit puddings and soaps ( 5 ) : F?O?S
19a   German small island’s peace ( 4 ) : ?N?T
42a   At last Faye entering kicks out rejected wigs for EastEnders ( 6 ) : ?ERU??
( Thought of PERUKE, but for 30d I have  TISSUE )
20d  Nationalist in hoard’s raised medicine case (4 ) : ?NR?
36d  Chief cut short hard riot ( 4 ) : ?O?H 

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