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Scottish Field (November)

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johnT | 09:45 Sat 05th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

Help with last two please?

Clues annotated with (Sc) will be a Scottish or Scottish dialect word, term or slang. If not annotated (Sc) then it's a normal British/English word or term. I can't guarantee given letters are correct yet as it's difficult, sometimes with obscure spelling variations. Take letters given with pinch of salt in some cases.


2d. Mix-up (Sc) (3,1,6)  ?A?  A  ?A?D?E

Already considered something a Fankle and something a maddie etc - but either doesn't fit with existing letters or can't find any reference to prove.


6d. Wooden bowl (Sc) (4)  ?O?N

Already considered Bool but doesn't fit with existing letters.


Just for confidence of some of my adjoining letters:

8a. Leave (6) ?A???E (I have VACATE)

11a. Small boat (6) D???H? (I have DINGHY)



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No answers I'm afraid, but vacate and dinghy llook fine.

GOAN, n. Also gone. A wooden bowl or dish, “the wooden dish employed for holding a workman's porridge” (Gall. 1825 Jam.); a “strong wooden vessel bound with hoop iron to hold the staves forming the sides in position” 

2 //fankle vto tangle, mix up; to become tangled;//

2 ham a haddie

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Thanks all


You can't make some of this up - it sounds like childs talk in some cases.

Thanks for that John.

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Scottish Field (November)

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