they announced the four up for eviction - Nikki, Imogen, Lisa & Mikey. They performed their fashion show. Pete was amazing - he looked like a model you'd see at London Fashion Week. They split the show into 2 half hour slots. After the nom,inations - they were given a party at night for passing the fashion show thing. At the end of the show, they were imitating each other, and every one took them fine until aisleyne did one of Glyn and he went into a total huff and wouldn't let it drop so she went to bed. They had their photos taken as models for the fashion show and they were displkayed around the house for the party. Imogen and Lisa defaced Susie's photo - it looked like velcro pieces and they gave her a moustache and heavy eyebrows. She was in a neglige ina poss you'd see in a porn mag and they the did the same to Richards moving the pieces from his towel wrapped around his head to give him a huge Dickie on his head, and the funniest bit was he came out saw Susie's photo and what they'd done and didn't see his own pinned on the wall behind him. When the door shut Lisa shouted - have you seen yours you knob