I liked lea when she thought everyone hated her, because god, then she was nice. i really started going off her with the whole sam thing though, because she started showing her true colours, being a backstabbing bitch to her, so incredibly dim and deciding she hated richard (when he stuck up for her!!! the cow!!!!!!!!!!). basically, she got cocky. i hate how she 'mummys' pete, making him feel guilty for talking to other people and using emotional blackmail against him - because she knows that works. i mean, come on, pete's not ready to let soemone who loves him slip awawy from him that easily, not when he's been denied it so many tiems before! have you heard what people used to do to him? i hate lea, i really do, and if she's going to do the same thing to glynn, i'll just scream, except i think glynn would be better at holding her back because his life hasn't been as drastic. i was SEETHING at the tv last night. actually seething.