tonights eviction in The AnswerBank: TV
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tonights eviction

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wonderwoman1 | 18:12 Fri 04th Aug 2006 | TV
2 Answers
can someone please explain whats going to happen tonight? i missed some episodes during the week so i dont know whats going on!! are 2 people leaving and are they leaving at the same time?

thank you in advance

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2 are going but not sure if they go together, and the Sun says some of the evictees are going into the "secret house" and we get to vote which one goes back into the main house during next week! as we voted them all out apart from Jonathan why would we vote them in? I suspect Nikki will be voted back
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thank you....i see jonothan isnt one of the pnes we can vote in which is a shame

guaranteed nikki will go back in!!

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