Is this favouritism (?) or what? Big Brother has turned welsh, all because little Glynnie hasn't got anyone to talk to in his native language.
he can talk perfectly good English, (well sort of), can't he manage to go a week without having to do it. if it's that much of a problem for him he should never have left Wales in the first place.
i cant believe that this annoys you. i really dont understand it, it hurts no one and makes things easier for glyn. the diary room is a place where the house mates can come to and talk freely and feel comfortable. Glyn thinks in welsh, the same way you think in english. how would you like it if while you were crying, homesick and scared the person supposedly consoling you spoke french even if you too could speak french it would still not put you at ease.
It's favouritism I think. Glyn knew what he was getting himself into when he auditioned for BB. So if he doesn't like having to speak English all the time for the last week then maybe he should go on BB Wales next time!!! xx PETE TO WIN XX