What was Nikki's face like - total class - the little muppet thought the public loved her - why are they booing me - she burst into tears when she saw her mum in crowd - LOL
Made me laugh so much and the look on Aislene's face - she so thought she was going
I laughed so hard when Nikki was evicted she so wasn't expecting to go lmao pure class she just couldn't believe we were booing her did you here her when Davina asked her to go and sit with the others. Aren't you showing my best bits? lmao yeah girl that was your last 5 mins of fame now go and crawl back under the rock it was you came from to start with we are bored of you now :0)
Gutted ais didn't win tho but at least she was last girl standing 3rd isn't to bad.
I wanted to throw things at my TV when the drama gremlin was on, her asking where her best bits on was funny as was when she nearly fell going off the stage, I think even Davina was sick of her!!
Shame Ash didn't win but at least she was top girl!
Nikki is an complete nutcase - she looked really scary when she came out with her backcombed knotty hair and that awful expression on her face. She really has a few issues..