why is there a big thing about shilpa being bullied its all on sky news etc, last year when jodie was been bullied this didnt happen its nothing about shilpas colour its her like it was with jodie i think its making bb boring now and i usually love it!
Because last year as I�ve said in other threads Jodie bought it on herself, Shilpa has done nothing wrong, the difference is last year it wasn�t bullying they just all agreed and thought the same as most of us she was a sl*t. Jodie came on to prove what she was really like and no-one opinions changed
i think it's just childish school girl bullying, and the others giggling while the gang leader picks on the one that is different. There are teenage girls watching it that are maybe going through the same thing at school and are probably wondering why ADULTS are acting in this way.
I have absolutely no intention of watching this [email protected] actual fact i change channels to even avoid adverts for it but from what ive seen and heard this really is a storm in a teacup.the arguments i heard didnt contain racism just people having a pop at each other and one of them happens to be indian.