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csgp85 | 22:57 Thu 01st Feb 2007 | TV
5 Answers
Who plays "The Mad *******" in skins, and what has he been in before? I really recognise him and its driving me insane...


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Stephen Walters
The IMDb entry has merged the acting credits of this Liverpudlian actor with another of the same name from the US, so if you pick out the UK (or Liverpool) based dramas from the list, e.g. Brookside, 51st State, etc., you may find from where you recognise him.
wasnt he that one that spat in peoples food in mean machine, he worked in the canteen
Question Author
Thats it! I knew i remembered him from somewhere specific! Mean Machine. Cheers!
He played geoff dixon in brookie ..ron dixons son
Actually it was Geoff "Growler" Rogers... Frank Rogers' son.

Ron Dixon's sons were named Mike and Tony.

Tony Dixon died as a consequence of the car crash which killed Frank Rogers.

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