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T4 april fools????

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raelgrin | 12:12 Sun 01st Apr 2007 | TV
4 Answers
Did anyone see the T4 episode this morning before Hollyoaks came on?
Was it an April Fools?
Does anyone know where you can see it again?


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I also reckon it was a prank... Ive just tried looking for it on you tube but it's not there yet!! It did look a bit too set up with all those camera angles but it also looked realistic when steve was pushed and fell over those blocks and hit his head on the back of the set... i loved it when the little kid was jumping up and down on the sofa screaming "fight, fight!!" Bless...
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Yeah I know!!!!!!
Let me know if you find the clip and I will too!
x x x
I don't know, I think maybe an april fools but then that useless woman, nikkita, I though she would have laughed more had it been a gag

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T4 april fools????

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