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Metz | 23:26 Thu 05th Apr 2007 | TV
5 Answers
Who will tell....Deidre or Ken( on Tracy) and what really happened? Blanche needs to be told the truth :o)


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I don't get the impression that it matters much what you say to Blanche, she believes what she wants to believe and that's that! An article in a magazine I was reading yesterday suggested that this could spell the end of Ken and Deidre's marriage - I do hope not, that's not sending out a sensible message at all ... and I'm sick to death of the Barlows parting and coming back together again, they're worse than Elizabeth Taylor!
well i heard that Deneice (the one who had kens child? - lady with funny arm?) comes along (as they do) to offer him comfort after Dreary becomes impossible and continues to stain the living room walls with nicotine x
Are Ken & Deidre married? I've lost count.
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Didn't they get married the same day as Chaz & Camilla?
Yes they did get married on that same day.

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