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Is anyone watching big brother???

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cazzz1975 | 23:06 Wed 30th May 2007 | TV
134 Answers
where are the men!!!!!


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wild cheeky so and so.....I left them outside your front door last know summer is on it's way when BB

mamma.....and also Peaches Geldof ;-)
Verrucas can indeed be fatal. Take this scenario: Looking out of the window you see that a delphinium needs staking, so you slip on a pair of old shoes with no heels and pop out to do it. On the way you pick up a rusting fork to stab around the fox sh!t, and in doing so impale your foot, tetanus and death.
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red-bez, you also know when summers on its way cos pollen starts to make you sneeze uncontrollably and you constantly look like youre crying. and you start to get those people in caravans trundling along the b-roads blocking them up. All of these i would compare with bb - annoying yet unavoidable wherever you go
Wheres the topic of big brother gone ?
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Is anyone watching big brother???

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