i realise I'm probably paranoid but, my Sky box has been behaving badly recently and I'm unable to get most sports programmes, some film channels and some other programmes. I've tried the usuual things shown on skys' web site but to na avail. And rather stragely I have now been offered a total repair package by.......Sky!
I do wonder if the theory of conspiracy is alive and well??
Hi beegeebee
Our Sky+ box has also been behaing oddly. It seems to turn itself off every night these days- never used to. I think they updated the system a few days ago as we now have a new option appearing. Around the same time we were getting messages saying that no satellite signal was being received on a lot of the channels. I switched the box on and off and that seemed to clear the problem although I was having a few other "issues".
Hopefully it is just a blip and not something more "sinister".
Ictoan, thanks for your quick response and I'm glad (not really) someone else is suffering from the same difficulties, I thought I was doing a bit paranoid;-)