Hey......I know John Barromans a gay, but do they have to show two men snogging? I know what you`re going to say, "If I don`t like it "etc,etc but I usually enjoy the prog, call me old fashioned or what you like, but I bet there`s a lot of MEN who feel the same. Yuk, and spit.
I won't watch it for this reason. I've nothing against gay men but actually seeing things makes me want to puke. Russell Davies (oh, forgot the "T") seems intent on forcing it on those who don't want to know.
a majr plot story line is Jack's bisexuality - when he was first in Dr Who he fancied both rose and the doctor. Torchwood has more adult themes than dr who, so its not unusual for them to show sex scenes for example. And as jack likes men, i dont think it's beyond the realms of possibility to show him snogging men (perhaps you ought to be thankful they dont show sex scenes between men?)
You're right about the "If you don't like it..." don't watch it... it's that kind of show... it was only kissing and if you cant stand kissing all I have to tell you is to grow up. It doesn't matter if it man/man man/woman or woman/woman... close your eyes and dream of your happy place...