I don't think that was Tanya's house either. Probably her parents. Where were the childrens toys and would two brothers really want to share a double bed?
At the end of her night, on night one, she said, 'I can't wait to go ho - to bed' as if she were going to say she couldn't wait to go home.
one of the bedrooms had toys in and she did say that she didnt like a house untidy and had cupboards around and it was a 4 bed house so someone had to share and it prob made it easier to have a double bed than 2 single beds, with her owning 3 garages i think she could afford a large house
Next week I think it's Peter Stringfellow, Lee from Blue, Linda Barker and Michelle from Liberty X.... it could be fun with Peter Stringfellow - he's a hoot!!!