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Eastenders - what happened to.................................................

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echokilo | 18:34 Sat 20th Dec 2008 | TV
15 Answers
Just watching the Eastenders outtakes - and something occurred to me .... what happened to Danielle, the girl who worked with Stacey and was meant to turn out to be Ronnie Mitchell's daughter ...... did I blink and miss something?


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I've been wondering about her as well echo. Maybe after Sean's left the tale of Ronnie and Danielle will begin.
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Perhaps you're right Chinadog .... it's just odd, thought I had missed something - where has she gone? What happened to Ronnie going round to her ex (Danielle's father) that night and knocking on the door ... had just died a death - it's very odd
I've been reading the spoilers on Digital Spy and it looks as though she'll back to continue the 'hello Mummy' storyline over Christmas.

Likewise, we haven't seen Mickey, Dawn or Jase for a while either. Don't know about the actress who plays Dawn, but Joe Swash has been busy in the jungle for a week or two and Jamie Borthwick's working hours will be restricted due to his age and educational commitments, and this is typical.

Soap actors need to take breaks just like everyone else, to go off and do other things so as not to get stale or typecast. It also means that viewers can be kept hanging for just a while longer.

I mean, you don't necessarily see your neighbours every single day, do you. We're great mates with our neighbour but I still haven't seen him in nearly a week.
i dont watch it but i thought that mickey, joe swash, had left for good
Mickey was axed along with Keith and Jase was murdered weeks ago.
Sorry, I meant Jay - Jamie Borthwick
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Jay is in care, Mickey Millar left to work at a hotel in the Cotswolds and Dawn legged it after Jase's funeral etc .... they have been written out ... danielle seems to hae just disappeared, werw we told she had gone back home to Telford? Strange they didn't give her a Shropshire accent too I think!!
she's back at xmas! if you watch the bbc trailer for eastenders, she's eating dinner with the slaters, i think this storyline with ronnie will be next year seeing as we're getting sean and roxy at xmas :)

but i think she did go back to telford for a while, and i agree with the accent thing!!

now wheres callum, i ask?
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Did Callum not go to Europe to do the rally driving thing with his dad Vinnie when Vinnie rejected Shirley? I think they drove off into the sunset LOL!!
Danielle was in it tonight as you saw her watching Ronnie when she was sitting at the bar during the karaoke.
And what happened to Minty and the fat bird he married I missed that story.?
The fat bird (Hevva) Is still there her and Minty split up
i hope suzy leaves. she's such a cow lol, and she has the weirdest face i've ever seen!
I thought jay was being cared for by billy and dawn was living with minty and garry
And Danielle was in it tonight again.

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Eastenders - what happened to.................................................

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