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Chinese Whispers...

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Bobbisox | 10:25 Sun 27th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
101 Answers
this could run and run but then again it could fall as flat as a, wtf cares he-he, here goes!

In a small village in the English countryside, lived a Mr...... with his.... (your turn)


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Mr Ben Dover with his sister Eileen...
and her step sister Poppy tupper,
and their two brothers Patrickfitzgerald and Geraldfitzpatrick
who was having an affair with Hugh Jampton,
Now one very dark dismal day
( this story is starting to go a bit queer,)
....a stranger came calling....he was bearing gifts such as......
2 packets of crisps and a boomerang
Gold, frankinsense and tickets to the World Cup Final in South Africa
and some myhrr.........where do you buy myhrr?
in a myrrhh shop of course

he also had 20 fags and a big bottle of vodka
Which he poured down the sink as he never drank alcohol on a Sunday
In Myrrhinsons !
PMSL @ redman.....
Eileen got really mad and hit the stranger over the head with a large hammer she kept down her knickers.....
But the 20 fags were not ciggys, they were young boys,
keep it clean logic...they were all over 18....
Question Author
to keep it safe as nobody went in ther, she lifted it out and rinsed it in...
Now this stranger happened to be
Clit bang........

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