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leanne battersby

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curlyperm11 | 09:26 Thu 17th Jun 2010 | TV
24 Answers
is it me - or is leanne battersby extremely bandy?


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I too have noticed this curlyperm. Very bandy indeed and especially noticeable since she has got so skinny.
What's 'bandy'? a guess.....I think they mean her legs ;-)

More to the point, who is "Leanne Battersby?"
bow legged joeluke

I noticed that this week - she looked really odd walking about. Can't say Id noticed before though
Sqad - Corrie character

Those legs (and ar$e) look fine to me
Medical picture with discrete covering and relevant to question my dear Sqad.
lofty ;-)
lofty....Oi! you have failed to show the "good part"
The 'good' part only has one use.....and being nice to look at is not one of them !! :-)
Wasn't worth it. Not really anything much to show.

ummmm....;-)..........."if you don't want the goods don't muck'em about"
Agree ummmm. Not the most pretty objects!
As 'pretty' as their female counterparts methinks!
Not when just admiring a naked body.....nitty gritty maybe.
joeluke.....wash your mouth out. The female counterparts, as you put it, are things of erotic which I have often become attached.
Sorry curlyperm!

I apologise for the gentlemen(?) on here who have lowered the tone of your thread.

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