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A Audience With!

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poodicat | 21:04 Sat 17th Jul 2010 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers
30 years worth of clips,it is so controlled and the questions are vetted...


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That may well be true poodicat .

However , despite that - i loved the one with Ken Dodd .

In fact ,that's the only one I would make a point of watching again .
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How the spice girls mimed
victoria used to look lovely
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Normal cazz, and she smiled...
she looks so scrawny now its sad
I love watching the Billy Connolly sketch about the incontinence trousers advert, that has Robbie Coltrane crying with laughter. Billy's description is so vivid and Robbie's reaction makes it twice as funny.
Fully agree re Billy Connolly. I've seen him live several times and he has people literally helpless with laughter.
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Hi mark,they should show it...
"I don't want tae laugh at incontinent people. Right? But....."

Enjoy, folks!
They should show it? The audience should show that they are helpless with laughter? They certainly do that in "An Audience with Billy Connolly"...?
I remember the Billy Connolly one - it was hilarious and he didn't used to f and blind like he does nowadays. I never watch him now - can't stand the foul language. Just goes to show it isn't necessary to make people laugh!

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