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especially for the over 50s

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Bobbisox | 23:04 Sat 09th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
who was your teen idol/singer
I loved Adam Faith until I actually saw him..omg, was he ever little..LOL


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Explain what you mean. Is he tall, fat?
I was brought up in a household where 'popular music' meant Gilbert and Sullivan. ('Proper music' was Beethoven and Mozart. Jazz and 'rock & roll' were regarded with utter disgust). So I didn't discover 'pop' until quite late on. (My cousins had pictures of Elvis Presley on their kitchen wall. I'd never even heard of him, yet alone his music!).

The first picture of a pop artist I ever put on my bedroom wall was of Heinz, 'cos I admired his good looks (even though I probably wouldn't have recognised any of his songs if I'd heard them!):

I can't even report on any wild gigs that I went to in my school or college days. At college, in between my regular trips to the Hallé Orchestra concerts, I went to see The Spinners, Ralph McTell and the Vienna Boys' Choir. (Yeah, rock on, baby!)
Think that should be over 60s bobbi..
Kentucky Bluebird - loved it sis
favourite artist back when was Eddie Cochrane
Who's counting poodi? - age is just a number and I am grateful for every birthday candle ;o)
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Chris I remember him with his Aryan looks, crap singer,tho' lol

Carlton he was very tiny with built up shoes, shattered my teen dreams..
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poodie age is but a

Alex...Summertime Blues..
Oh, I've just remembered someone whose music I really did like as a kid. (I think his music must have slipped under the wire of the parental control in our house because it was sometimes featured on 'Housewives' Choice', which my mother would occasionally listen to). Lonnie Donegan!

I agree,but i dont remember adam faith,apart from him playing a character in budgie..
I remember The Spinners. I must be really old. Thanks for that Chris.
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I just almost escaped the Skiffle era Chris..ha-ha
anyone rermember Pete Murray and Jo Douglas?
In my early years I would have died for Dusty Springfield. 1964 ish. I later learnt she was not interested in men.
Bobbie I saw Eddie Cochrane at Newcastle Empire the week before he died I was shattered. He was on with Gene Vincent, Billy Fury and Joe Brown. You wouldnt get a bill like that these days!!!
Skiffle was king in my day Chris! Cumberland Gap and all that. Poodi - you are but a child my dear - Adam faith was a legend!
I used to model myself on Billy Fury to pull the birds......worked too.
You are scotsman lol...
ttfn I used to be in the Lonnie Donegan fan club, how sad is that?
My Dad and Uncle were in a band and Jet Harris was a regular visitor.
Bill - did you have the quiff to go with the pulling action? ;o)

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