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Did anyone see Macbeth starring Patrick Stewart?

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bibblebub | 23:25 Fri 17th Dec 2010 | TV
6 Answers
It was on BBC4 last weekend and I forgot all about it until now, so am going to have to find time to watch it on iPlayer over this weekend.

Is it every bit as good as the reviews say?


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Me and Patrick Stewart were both born in Mirfield!
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For the benefit of anyone who might be interested, I've just watched it and it is a wonderful production.
completely missed it, hey if you find it, can you post where?
it's on bbc iplayer according to the post Diego.

thanks for the tip bibblebub, I do like Patrick Stewart and Macbeth is a favourite of mine. Be hard to beat the Ian Mckellen version for me though.
wow cas, I have been doing a lot of geneolgy work on mirfield and darfield

I saw a clip of patrick stewart and it looked good, you cant beat jean-luc picard!
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It was only on iPlayer for 7 days and is now no longer available, which is why I had to watch it during this last weekend; I'm so glad I did because I found myself transfixed for the whole 2 1/2 hours.

One can only hope that it will either be repeated or released on DVD (of which there is no sign yet).

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Did anyone see Macbeth starring Patrick Stewart?

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