Is anyone else watching the Danish crime serial 'The Killing'? (BBC4 Sat 9:00 pm.) I think it could develop into something very good.
One thing also that I have found is that I had to increase the brightness on my tv to see it properly. Is all Danish television shot like this?
Could be Lindy, I think the director/writer is throwing in lots of possibilities at the start. Only another 8 weeks to go, assuming it continues at 2 episodes per week.
Apparently most of the characters (those we have already seen and more to be introduced) will spend their time being offered up to the viewers for their scrutiny.
I like the calm manner in which it is shot. No need for gruesome close-ups or histrionics from the 'mannered'acting from the leads.........or personality quirks from the detectives.
I enjoyed the first two and will watch with interest.
It's also my first foray into Danish TV so I can't comment on the rest :o)