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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is a fantasy adventure film. The second in the series, based on the book of the same name by J.K.Rowling, this film was directed by Chris Columbus. The ensemble cast all returned along with a few big name additions including Kenneth Branagh, however, this was the last film with Richard Harris as Dumbledore.
The Chamber of Secrets was very well received for a sequel. Many viewers found that because they were already familiar with the scenes at Hogwarts and the basic characters they could focus on a slightly more complicated plotline. The special effects, especially the basilisk at the end of the film, are again spectacular and really make the audience believe in the world of Harry Potter.
The second film takes place during the lead trio’s second year at Hogwarts. Now Ginny, Ron’s younger sister, is attending the school for the first time. At the start of term Harry begins to hear a voice that claims the Chamber of Secrets has been opened by the heir of Slytherin. Over the course of the year several students are found petrified in the school and it becomes clear that some terrible monster is lurking the corridors. The end of the film sees Harry battling to save the school and his own reputation from the Chamber.
Cinema release 2002
Certificate PG
Available on DVD and Blue Ray
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