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Film, Media & TV2 mins ago
Predator is an all action adventure thriller. The film stars Arnold Schwarzenegger and undoubtedly helped his rising career after the success of The Terminator and Conan the Barbarian. The story follows what happens when a team of crack commandoes encounter an unknown force killing people in the South American jungle.
The film was a huge box office hit and is extremely popular even now. Fans of Schwarzenegger love this film which clearly shows his enormous talent for the dramatic and his giant muscles. Many viewers found the plot a little thin but that is true to the genre and in no way detracts from the overall appeal.
However, any lack in the story is more than made up for by the amazing special effects, particularly the invisibility effect of the alien. There is almost no CGI in the film at all and everything is done with clever camera work. Interestingly, part of the Alien was originally played by Jean Claude Van Damme, but he left due to artistic differences. The part was later given to Kevin Peter Hall.
A joint task force is in the Jungle of Guatemala to rescue a presidential cabinet minister held by guerrilla forces. They discover the skinned corpses of other armed security forces and begin to wonder what manner of creature populates the area. When the team is then killed one by one our hero (Arnie) must trap the creature in order to save himself.
Cinema release 1987
Certificate 18
Available on DVD and Blue Ray