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Should Dave Lamb from Come Dine With Me do the Eurovision song contest voiceover?

Should Dave Lamb from Come Dine With Me do the Eurovision song contest voiceover?

Results ★

Yes, Dave Lamb from Come Dine with me should certainly do the Eurovision song contest voiceover!
No, Graham Norton is fine.
No, but someone other than Graham Norton.

Should Dave Lamb from Come Dine With Me do the Eurovision song contest voiceover?

Total: 64
A.Yes, Dave Lamb from Come Dine with me should certainly do the Eurovision song contest voiceover!84.38 %54
B.No, Graham Norton is fine.9.38 %6
C.No, but someone other than Graham Norton.6.25 %4
Stats until: 01:26 Sun 22nd Dec 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)