my new-ish car, a Ford Fiesta (yawwwwnn) has hardly any storage space but.. there's a little letterbox type opening (with a flappy cover that won't stay closed tight) measuring about 1.5" X 5". it slopes back and slightly downwards. I can get my fingers in and wiggle them, but I can't reach the back of it.
lol, ridiculous for suggesting it is in the handbook (it might be in the chapter after "what your key is for" and "what the round turnable thing in front of the driver's seat does") or ridiculous for suggesting that you read it?!!! ;)
There's a 13 page thread on the ford owners clubs about it :)
Apparently nobody knows what it's for, it's been suggested it was a drawer in preproduction models but was deleted due to it being too small to be useful.
Sombody has made a pullout and drop down mount for their sat nav, which looked quite neat :)
The ashtray occupies one cupholder .. the fag lighter occupies the power socket outlet.
I didn't work on Fiesta .. so I missed out on all the teckie stuff on it.
Chuck.. that's just too much trouble for me, but thank you x
jj, the Alfa was bashed back in April, written off, change of heart, repaired, returned, and everything went wrong with it. I spent more than twice its value over the following 4 months, so I part exchanged it for a sensible (very dull) car.