The first car I bought for cash cost me £35. The last second hand car cost me £6,000 at point of sale and a further £1200 one week later. Then it got worse. I then paid £3,000 for a new engine. I have bought new ever since. If you buy private you have NO comeback.
I sold a motorbike earlier this year and said that my terms were cash. Man turned up with an envelope full of money and drove the bike away...yes wads of fifties and twenties.
apart from my last 3 Vehicle purchases which were Bank transfer,
I would give or take cash, most given £8K - taken £7,250.
out of approx 42 cars & M/bikes.
I love £50s
Last motor I bought was paid for with €50 notes, only because I couldn't get to the bank for a draft when they were open so maxed out my debit card over three days to take the cash out the hole in the wall. Each time having my fierce-looking (but deep down soppy) dog with me, just in case.
I would be very cautious on this Hop, it may be my suspicious mind but with Forgeries coming out, if the buyer was handing out £50s before I would hand over the V5 & any documents I would get the notes checked, if the buyer was keen on buying the car, I think they would wait, but that me.
You really are a lot of rich people you ABers. Paying hard cash for a car is a known ploy to get a discount. Just out of a matter of interest how much of a reduction do you get for cash, by the way?
Sold mine, asked for the draft in advance, went to my bank and got them to ring the buyers bank to confirm issue of the draft. Once I had this knew it wasn't forged or stolen and handed over the car. Would be wary of accepting cash without a machine to check for forgeries.