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Panoramic Roof

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mrspask | 10:58 Sat 09th Nov 2013 | Cars
8 Answers
Is having a panoramic roof on a new car a bonus?


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Yes, you can see the bird poop before it dries.
it depends, do you mean a sunroof? I used to find the tilt function useful for cooling the car quickly but now don't have one and don't really miss it. the only time we got an aftermarket one fitted (decent one, very expensive) it leaked horribly.
hmmm, not sure I'd want that.
Strangely panoramic roofs are not very panoramic since they only let you see the sky. What a daft name. Can't see any advantage, you will need a sunblind and aircon to go with it.
All panoramics have sunroof and air con anyway
Their are different types -this is best -" full panoramic"
sorry meant sunblinds - not sunroof!
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