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Squeeky Clutch on Peugeot 206

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muchlovex | 13:29 Thu 26th Oct 2006 | Cars
2 Answers
HOw do you stop/fix a squeaky clutch please?



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You can buy a new clutch or you can buy a 3-1 clutch kit from any motor shop. Once you've got one you will have to do this... Jack the car up at the front, Take your wheels off, Disconnect your battery, Undo the bottom ball joints and take them off, Undo and take off your trackrod ends, Now your suspension sured be free to move around with the drive-shafts which are connected to the gearbox, You will have to pull the drive-shafts out of the gearbox and let them hang down out of the way. Take the starter motor off and any other parts to the gearbox, eg..clutch cable, gear-linkage, gearbox mounting, And the nuts around the gearbox and it sured come apart. Now use a jack to support the weight of the engine and low the engine down, it sured lower down one side to allow the gearbox to come out. Once you have done that you can change the clutch which is connected to the engine, but make sured you realign the clutch plate and pressure plate before you put the gearbox back, Put the thrust bearing on the gearbox that sured slide up&down the shaft once you've do that put everything back together in reverse.
Is it actually the clutch though or the pedal? If it is the pedal squeaking every time you push it down, then a touch of grease or vaseline on the pivot will sort it out.

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Squeeky Clutch on Peugeot 206

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