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Lack of force on the water to wash my windscreens

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hajane | 14:08 Sun 12th Nov 2006 | Cars
2 Answers
I have a 51 plate Fiat Punto and for some reason the fluid is trickling up the pipes from the fluid container to the outside and lacks the force to get it up onto the windscreen! Why is this happening? Can anyone help?


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If you are like the average driver, you probably use the washer system once every few weeks. After using it, some of the lfuid remains in the tubing system leading from the suppy tank/pressure pump to the outlets. Especially in warmer weather, this is a perfect breeding ground for algae and other bacteria induced growth. The tube, usually plastic, needs to be cleaned. You can simply use a small pin to push into the outlets, which will help and you can drain and refill the supply tank with a mixture of 1 cup laundry bleach to about a gallon of warm water. Operate the system a few times with to see if it helps. In the worst case scenario you may have to replace the tubing...
First get the pipe off at the washer jets and give it a good blow to see if that cures it, you should hear it bubbling in the reservoir, if it does see if they work, if not could need a new pump moter.

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Lack of force on the water to wash my windscreens

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