Hi guys, Any advice on picking out a gearbox from the shelf of a scrappies please? I just picked one up but it's from an L reg and my Rover 214 is an S reg! Am I right in assuming it'll either not fit or be in worse shape than my current one?
Assuming it'll fit,age is no guide to condition. It may be from a car that's done half the mileage that yours has, and had it's gearbox oil changed as well.
You can check the input and output shafts have no play in them, and that they rotate with no graunching, but, other than that, you can't tell if it's a good'un without opening it up or fitting it into the car.
These guys that are legit traders will give an exchange if it is faulty,some breakers sell tested parts off the shelf.
hope this helps.
aberdeen nut...