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darren1773 | 21:13 Thu 12th Apr 2007 | Cars
6 Answers
why abs light on?


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its ur anti braking system
are u in the car now >
What, cars are fitted with a system that is anti braking, does this mean they have done away with brakes now redhead?

You have a fault in your ABS.
chill out tourettes
it sounds as if one of your sensors on the abs is not working properly,its a easy fix,get it looked at asap. (and redhead,dont come on here and give stupid answers about serious things, it seems thats all you have done since you joined up,give it a rest.)
As others have said get it into a garage.

Either one of your abs sensors needs replacing or needs cleaning.

Cheers Dean
and norman all you do is insult people , so yes you are very manly dont tell me what to do love , you wanna enjoy life a bit

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