Hi probably not in the right section again but david beckhams ford scorpio cosworth is up for sale on e bay.
These cars are lovely as I used to have a cossie ultima until some **** pulled out of a side turning and wrote it of, but the car on e bay at the moment is up to �4400 for a p reg car they only fetch around �1500 top wack but suppose dealers charge a bit more.
Just because this car has had beckhams arris sitting in the drivers seat (and it is genuine he did used to own it) would you pay so much over the odds for a car that has been sat in by golden balls and spice balls.
I will try to put a link here now to the auction not sure if it will work but ethell on here has assured me that it will.
so here goes
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIte m&ih=009&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem= &item=190118446480&rd=1&rd=1