Ive got thule roof bars on a vectra, fitted by Halfords. They overhang slightly (by about 4 inches) and 80% of time when putting children into car seats Mr CRX or I hits our head.
Now we need roof bars on the other car and asked Thule if the bars are meant to overhang like this, they say yes. When we said that surely everyone must hit their heads they reckon that no-one has ever hit their head on thule roof bars.
So come of folks, who has?
and does anyone know where ican get some nice bars or rails for my c-max to fit the thule box.
We bought a box and roof bars locally for our C-Max and there certainly was no problem with headbanging (apart from the poor guy fitting it) but I have to assume that you have a Thule box so only need the rails-may be it's just a Thule problem
lol according to Thule you cannot cut the bars down as they have to be that set length for a reason. A reason which they are unwilling to share with me.